Taulala offers a range of dining out opportunities.
The Royal Albert Hotel provides silver service in an old world atmosphere and a European style menu augmented with some local dishes.
For those who wish to try a wider range of Ventiakian food, we recommend Ratiava where diners can sit on a pleasant terrace overlooking the bay and enjoy the subtle tastes of one of the most original and varied of Pacific cuisines. The Ratiava’s menu includes such delicacies as gluptibub pork, vitalasi (turtle steaks) and, for the curious, taktak (ants’ eggs).
For those who like variety and local colour, there are many small eating places in the Rajau district adjacent to the markets. These are frequented by the citizens of Taulala and offer Chinese, Indian, Thai, and Malay as well as Ventiakian food. Prices suit a range of budgets.